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Frequently Asked Questions

General Q&A

What Nutriplant products are available?

Currently, two types of Nutriplant products are available: a product to apply to the foliage of any and all crops (Nutriplant AG) and a product for treating seeds of all varieties, available as a powder (Nutriplant SD) and as a liquid (Nutriplant SL).

Nutriplant products have been described as ‘biologicals’. What does this mean?

“Biological” is a general classification for products derived from living cells. Nutriplant products contain microbial metabolites (e.g. compounds produced and used by living cells, such as protein, enzymes and amino acids).

Do Nutriplant products contain live microorganisms?


How do Nutriplant products benefit my crop?

Growers report that Nutriplant Seed Treatment results in quicker germination, more vigorous seedlings with larger root mass, improved stress resistance, less re-planting, earlier crops, and higher yields.
With Nutriplant AG, growers report improved crop quality, increased stress resistance, more extractable sugar, and higher yields.

Do I need special equipment to use Nutriplant products?

Nutriplant SD seed treatment can be applied right in the planter box. Nutriplant SL liquid seed treatment can be applied commercially or as you would any other liquid seed treatment. Nutriplant AG can be applied using conventional ground spraying equipment, or by aerial application. It can be applied along with liquid fertilizers, herbicides, fungicides or other foliar applications if the timing is right. No special equipment is needed and you don’t have to make an extra trip across the field.

Are these ag products compatible with fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides that are routinely used?

Yes, as long as you follow dilution and mixing instructions. Always follow the labels of each product. Caution: When in doubt, do a ‘jar test’ to check the physical compatibility of the products before making the tank mix.

Proper mixing is important. Is it hard to do?

Fill the spray tank half full of water and start the agitator. Put in the adjuvant, then add each product one at a time. Avoid putting two concentrated, undiluted products together. When in doubt, do a ‘jar test’. Finish filling the tank and spray the crop to the point of run-off.

Do I have to use special water?

No. You can use the same water source as you use for your other spray applications.

Can Nutripant products be used in any pH soil?

Yes. Testing under a variety of conditions has shown that Nutriplant products have beneficial effects over a wide range of soil types and pH.

How should I store Nutriplant products?

Store them in a clean, dry place at temperatures between 110 and 32 degrees F, out of direct sunlight. When storing partially used containers, make sure the lid is securely replaced. Do not store diluted product.

How long can I store Nutriplant products?

Each Nutriplant product has a guaranteed shelf life of 3 years when stored as directed on the label.

Where can I find ‘third party’ field results on Nutriplant products?

Nutriplant products have been evaluated at the Irrigation Research Foundation, (IRF), located in Yuma county Colorado since 1999. Nutriplant products have been tested on alfalfa, beans, corn, potatoes, soybeans, sugarbeets, sunflowers and wheat. The IRF is owned and operated by farmers. Products are evaluated under irrigated and/or dry land conditions. The IRF conducts field trials for most major agricultural companies in the US. They have an annual Farm Show in August, open to the public, to view the research, and they publish an annual report of field results. Their email address is: Also, visit our research and data page here.

Can I reduce other fertilizer inputs when using Nutriplant?

No. Nutriplant products are intended as supplements to a regular fertilizer program and do not, by themselves, supply all the nutrients needed by crops.

What happens if Nutriplant products freeze?

Nutriplant SD is a powder, not susceptible to freezing. Nutriplant AG and Nutriplant SL are liquids. Freezing can cause crystalization, but will not reduce the effectiveness of the product. Product which has been frozen (or stored for over a year) should be thoroughly mixed before use. This can be done by inverting the jug a few times or rolling the drum across the floor.

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