American AG Solutions
Precision Placement of Nutrients & Better Water Management
Micronutrients that WORK!
Our product increases the efficiency of your most important input: WATER!
This farmer always had standing water on both sides of this tree line, until he applied APSA-80 at 32 oz/acre on the left side of this tree line.
Testing for Soil Compaction
What we see here on this dig site is the typical situation most farms face. Although traditional tillage practices loosen top soil, they generally create compacition right below the tillage depth. APSA-80 allows for water to absorb into this 10" layer of compacted soil
Our Products
About American Ag Solutions
We advocate for proven ag nutrient solutions for healthy harvests.
In everything we do, we believe in keeping things relationship first, and solutions second. Every client is a friend to us, and we seek to learn about your journey in farming before making a recommendation. We are proponents of high quality ag nutrient solutions for you to yield your best harvest yet, and we're truly with you every step of the way.
Take a look around and explore. The research organized for you will speak for itself.
Contact Us
American Ag Solutions is a leading distributor of Nutriplant and APSA-80 products.  For any questions or to request additional information, please contact us at following information below or submit your information below and we will reach out to you.